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Things to Know: Drinking & Stroke Risk Charleston SC

Alcohol use in the hazard period, the 1-hour period immediately preceding the onset of ischemic stroke symptoms, was compared with its expected frequency based on control data obtained from the patients. We used the usual frequency of alcohol consumption over the year prior to stroke to estimate its expected frequency in an average 1-hour period. […]

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How to Help My Alcoholic Husband

Enabling an addict means that your behavior somehow allows them to continue their use. This could mean making excuses for them or bailing them out of bad situations. While it may be difficult to practice tough love, it will be beneficial for the addict in the end. The longer people allow their use to continue, […]

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Why Do I Have Tingling, Numbness, or Cold Feelings in My Head?

By investing in research and clinical trials, the medical community strives to make significant advancements in the understanding and management of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. These efforts have the potential to enhance the lives of individuals affected by this condition and improve their long-term mush brain outcomes. It is important to note that thiamine supplementation should continue […]

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